Reflexology uses skilled pressure point massage on specific areas of the feet to rebalance and re-energise the whole body & mind. It helps to balance energy and to restore health , through the feet and its thousands of nerve endings whilst improving circulation & lymphatic flow and encouraging the elimination of waste products and toxin accumulation in the tissues.
It begins with a relaxing foot massage, continues with precise treatment of reflex points and to concentrate on any areas of the feet that may be particularly beneficial for you as an individual, depending on your specific needs. It finishes again with foot massage.
It is very soothing to the nervous system and can both relax and uplift by encouraging a state of deep relaxation and healing. I usually combine reflexology and foot massage with an individual blend of essential oils.
Many people find it helpful as a pre-conception preparation. It is also ideal for encouraging well-being in pregnancy.
Most people find that its effects are deeper than they might have expected before experiencing. It is far more than a foot massage. Though it will leave your feet feeling pampered and your whole body like it is walking on air, its real benefit is in deep relaxation to the nervous system and in turn its impact on overall health.
A single treatment can be very enjoyable and beneficial but for greatest impact a course of treatment is usually recommended,